Doctors are slam dunked by UNUM Insurance Company

Read the story below

Message from Dr. Judy Morris MD.

I paid my premiums faithfully on an automatic payment plan.  I read and understood my policies.  I bought from a reputable, licensed insurance broker.  I tried to get my medical condition under control in many ways before having to quit my job as an Emergency Room doctor. 

I carefully researched the most up to date information on my disease from the Centers for Disease Control and National Institutes of Health to make sure I had had all the proper diagnostic tests and available treatments.  I answered your phone calls and requests promptly and made sure my doctors did too.  I begged you to tell me how I could prove my claim when you refused to accept my doctors' opinions.  I begged you to tell me how you could diagnose me with a different condition that my doctors said I had when you had never seen or spoken with me and were relying on MY DOCTOR'S reports, how you could claim my doctors said things they have  sworn (in affidavits) they never said.

I filed a lawsuit against you for racketeering citing not only many instances of mail fraud, wire fraud, extortion and malpractice in my case, but also in dozens of other claimants' cases.  I posted it ALL on the Internet (

I appealed for help to my state insurance commission, your state insurance commission, my congresspeople and elected officials, the media, the attorney general, Department of Justice and Department of Labor.

I cited to you repeatedly CASES and CASES similar to mine that the courts STATED benefits HAD to be paid.  I cited you laws stating you have no reason NOT to pay me.

Now that I am suing you, your lawyers won't even MEET with me as the court requires. AND YOU CALL THIS GOOD FAITH?!?!?!?!

I call it Racketeering, Extortion, Mail and Wire Fraud, Collusion, and Attempted Murder (knowing I have been suicidal in the past, you are hoping to drive me to suicide as you have done to others).

My question to you, James Orr, III, CEO of UNUM - Aren't you AFRAID after the way your company is treating so many sick and desperate people?  I would be.

Judy Morris, MD

§ Judydoc for Justice - Fighting Corporate Crime in Healthcare §
                Judy Morris, MD  

Phone: (413) 267-3606



UNUM   If you have the guts to respond to Dr. Morris's complaint we will put it here.



Editors note.  Perhaps this is why these executives are rarely photographed and almost never appear in public with out armed guards. Almost every last insurance company President and the top echelon is protected by former FBI, CIT and NYC retirees. Moreover these former cops provide the needed connection to law enforcement to get what these people want to have. It is about money.