DISASTER MASTERS ® Copyright 2000 - 2010 Ron Alford All rights reserved in all media 30 plus requirements to cure trademark infringement The words "I agree to cease and desist infringing on the DISASTER MASTERS mark " are just words. What one must do to rectifly past and future dilution and diminution our goodwill is a serious project in and of itself and can have a very long tail if not done in concert with the trademark owners and his reps. . To carry out a cease and desist there are many things that have to be done to cease and desists. If you still have these words anywhere connected to you then you have not desisted dilution of the mark. The question is.. not WHAT you are going to do but HOW and WHEN you will finally cease and desist diluting our mark. This page contains most but not all mandatory tasks a trademark infringer must initiate and complete at their expense of time and money and to complete to "Ron Alford's" satisfaction in order to completely cure current and future infringements and dilution of the Disaster Masters' Trademark. Having been in business since 1980 and have helped over 2 dozen infringer cease and desist from using the Disaster Masters® mark we know what works and what does not work. Until ALL of the items herein are completed, the cease and desist is not complete therefore dilution and damages to Disaster Masters® and Ron Alford personally continue until they are entirely done. The person and/or stockholders, directors or the LLC members will be viewed as equals no matter how the LLC is structured. All parties connected with the infringer who commenced the infringement will be treated the same as the cause of this awful problem and will be held personally liable for any and all failures to cure the infringements if they are not completed in 30 calendar days from the date the infringer(s) is first notified via telephone, registered mail or in person to cease and desist. The mark DISASTER MASTERS® is over 25 years old and has been infringed by many, legally challenged by some and never defeated. Honest lawyers will never take an infringer's money to fight a losing battle. If you decide to hire a lawyer who tells you you can win by fighting his matter you are likely to be driven into bankruptcy and that lawyer and his experts will get your money. Call Ron Alford at 1800 The Plan and I will give you the names of several people who thought that they could somehow continue to use Disaster Masters without a license. For those who went gracefully I helped them. For those who treated me badly when they were notified of their wrongdoing, I will gladly give you many names who are now broke and out of business. If you, the infringer decides to challenge Disaster Masters mark in any state, Ron Alford will demand a jury trial in the US Court Southern District NY even though your greedy lawyers' first defense will be jurisdiction or some other lame issue defense like Disaster Masters® does not have a license in every city, county, state etc. The facts are that Disaster Masters does not need a license to sell shirts, hats, disaster gear, garments, jewelry, to coach insurance victims on the phone how to mange insurance adjusters, crooked contractors or to refer our clients to qualified service providers who are licensed insured and bonded where required. Also be advised that if force us to sue you in the Federal system that you will be subjected to the consequential damages that you cause us a result of your wanting a jury to decide if your greedy lawyer is right or wrong. No matter what you will pay the lawyers much more than the fight is worth. Our law suit will contain money damage claims for you reimburse us for every dime we are forced to spend on attorney fees, travel, lodging, discovery, research, depositions, supplies etc. Also your largest cost is likely to be for you to pay me for the illegal and unauthorized use of my valuable time at $695.00.per hour for 9-5 and double that for weekend and after hours time you force me to spend curing your infringements and damages to the Disaster Masters trademark instead of running my business. TO DO list for Trademark Infringer's and Disaster Masters® Inc. Herein are most not all of the things a trademark infringer must do within 30 days from first notice to cure or if there is a settlement agreement to permanently discontinue the dilution and/or infringement on the DISASTER MASTERS ® trademark in any way whatsoever. The very first order of business is to immediately create and provide to Disaster Masters ® Inc. a detailed list of each telephone number and service phone company which is now or has ever been published or marketed in any Public Relations campaign, directory, journal, letterhead, business card, internet, web site, newspaper, trade journal etc. that promoted or was used or paid for by the infringing Disaster Master(s) Company. The infringer will provide Disaster Masters® Inc. with copy of the phone number billing invoice, a phone number or specific email contact for each phone company if more than one, the account numbers in order to make the transition of all phone numbers to Disaster Masters as simple and easy for both parties. To avoid confusion and unnecessary delays the infringer will contact the phone company and initiate the change of ownership and pay the cost to transfer, if any, for each phone number as if the infringer were selling the number to Disaster Masters® Inc. The infringer will continue to pay the cost of advertising until the contract runs out. Disaster Masters will provide to the infringer one-on-one cooperation to assure a fast and efficient phone number(s) being ported to a phone company of our choice. SEE FOOT NOTE 1 The same goes for any domain name(s) that infringer or dilute DISASTER MASTERS® Inc. Example DisasterMasterAZ.com I personally recommend that the Infringer form a new company that has no connection whatsoever with the words "DISASTER MASTER" or to provide any communications, services of any kind that will continue to, or allow consumers, The Media, sub-contractors, insurance companies, agents, adjusters, suppliers, vendors to be lead to believe that the infringer's new Company has anything to do with or connection to DISASTER MASTERS ® Inc. in any way whatsoever. In no time are you allowed to inform, advertise in any way that you have decided to change the name from Example: "Disaster Masters of Florida" to Disaster Restoration Services as this will simply continue to dilute and confuse the public, vendors, contractors and government license sing agencies.
Check List to assure that dilution or infringement is cured permanently.
FOOTNOTE: All of these footnotes are unacceptable ways to cure the infringement and any violation of them will cause DISASTER MASTERS® Inc to seek substantial money damages and criminal charges for fraudulent activities. Footnote 1. Do not simply cancel any phone service or allow any numbers or internet domains to be dropped or placed back into the pool for others to use. Do not call the phone company and change a disaster masters' numbers to new number and have a recording pointing your old number to your new number. Footnote 2. Notifying anyone or any entity in a form that appears to the reader that you decided to change your name is totally unacceptable and will be considered to be a continuation of infringement with vengeance and will be dealt with appropriately. EXAMPLE: You send a notice to your clients that say… Disaster Master Company is now DM Restorations. You have no rights to tell directly or to infer that Disaster Masters has changed its name. This is perfect example of a vengeful act which will cause us to seek money damages for failure to act in good faith. If for any reason this information is not clear as crystal we ask that you contact © 2000-2010 The Plan™ C 2005 - 2010 Ron Alford All rights reserved in all media. ver 100526 End |